Welcome to Bitchin Inc. Designs. Where hot rods meet art, giving them a life of their own!

9x12" Starting at $750 (Vehicle only, Semis or any vehicle larger will be priced accordingly)
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $400
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $400

14x17" Starting at $850 (Vehicle only, Semis or any vehicle will be priced accordingly)
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $500
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $500

14x17" Semi Commissions Start at $950 (Vehicle only. With trailer $1050, any other will be quoted.
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $600
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 megabytes or greater no exceptions. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $600

18x24" Commissions Start at $1500 (Vehicle only). Two or more vehicles please ask for price quote.
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 MEGABYTES or greater NO EXCEPTIONS. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $1500
Please provide reference pictures of your vehicle 2 MEGABYTES or greater NO EXCEPTIONS. These need to be what you want represented of the art meaning angles of the vehicle and cleanliness.
Additional background of any kind is $1500
Commissions are based on a first come first serve basis. Wait times vary based on the complexity of each vehicle. For more info on this please visit "The List" page.
Prices are subject to change. Half down deposits are required before the pencil even hits paper. No refunds on deposits and all sales are final. Additional shipping is required on all orders outside the USA.
All artwork and content on the Bitchin Inc. Designs website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws.
Images may be used for personal use, as in screen savers, or printed for household decor, but under no circumstance is it permitted for you to use them for commercial purposes, without proper and prior permission from Butch Hartman, or his legal advisers.
Unauthorized duplication or usage for commercial purposes is prohibited by the Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests.
Butch Hartman retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site, regardless of having original image. You must contact him or his legal advisers in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you own the original artwork.
Failure to read this notice does not hold Bitchin Inc. Designs responsible for any misunderstanding about the terms of service. All terms are specified on the site for the customers information.
Thank you
Contact Info: [email protected]
Please include what size piece you are wanting with pics of vehicle and additional details.
Please include what size piece you are wanting with pics of vehicle and additional details.